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Friday, May 27, 2011

absolutely I wanna have travel around the world :D Ya Rabb... Please invite me to Your Mecca and Madinah, then let me have a trip to Paris-France, London-England (to meet you Andra!), after that I want to go to Seoul-Korea (with my beloved uni citra), then cau again to Tokyo-Japan, the final destination is travelling around INDONESIA :D Amin, Allahumma Amin.


  1. travelling around this LOVELY country aja dulu mil... it will be better I think, so u can telling story bout our country to french, japanese, and korean(ini ngarang banget. maksud aku, ke orang perancis, jepang n korea-nya) and you've had many knowledge bout it.

    mmmm... aamiin Ya Mujiib. may Allah calling us to come closer to Him. and visit or meet me, and our best sisters there. aamiin Ya Rabb.

    ow, btw CONGRATULATION, BARAKALLAH.. i've known that you've passed the invitation of SNMPTN. proud of you, ukhti. semangKA! semangap karena Allah :) keep du'a for us, for better future. insyaAllah

    eh mangap2 nih ye, kalo ga ngerti milka. telen ajeee.. aku lagi belajar nih. hehehe

  2. hmm... kalo dipikir2 iya juga ya is, ntar aku malu, masa lebih tau budaya sana duluan dr pada budaya sendiri.. Kalo gt, sepakat! Tapi gak tau susunan yg aku bikin nanti gmn jadinya, he he pan baru ren-cha-naa..
    Amiin for ur du'a :)
    Alhamdulillah, syukran isma, nyusul ya! *lolos SNMPTN Jalur Utul* BIG AMIN...
    aku juge lagi belajar gremer nih is tp kosakata belon nambah *payah*, e he he
